Operation Green Dress

My mission to fit into my green dress that I wore when I was 15!

Inspired by this.

My journey here:

Round 2

Week 1:

Squashed boobs

Week 2:
I'm not going to pull the dress down until it stops squashing my boobs

Week 3:
....and it's the same

 Week 4:
Still above boobs

Okkkkkkk I screwed that one up!  I stopped at Week 4, Round 2.  Let's see if I can do it properly in Round 3!  Here we go:


Round 3

Week 1:

Ahhhhh whatdya know, I stuffed it up AGAIN!  Here we go - third time lucky!
Round 4
Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:
I am over the moon, it is fitting so much better in just two weeks already!!  It's still squashing my boobs but not terribly.  Still a long way to go yet x

Week 4:

Week 5:

I think I look bigger in it this week??

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